10 Lies That Change the World

10. Trojan Horse Strategy (Trojan Horse)

When the Trojan Paris to escape with Helen's (wife of Spartan king), war is inevitable. This happens at least for 10 years until finally the Greek-controlled Trojan is successful.

It is genius; the Greeks built a wooden horse ("Trojan Horse" which is very large with a hollow belly so people can hide. Greece assured that it is a peace offering as a prize for the enemy. "Trojan Horse" and then gladly accepted and taken on city of the enemy defenses. At night, the Greek soldiers who were hiding inside the houses slipped on. Next, they perform the slaughter and destroy the Trojan without hesitation.

9. Vermeer painting forgery by Han van Meegeren

In the early 20th century, Vermeer is a debate about who has been painting a series of paintings dealing with the gospel. Van Meegeren grabbed this opportunity and does the job carefully at a painting that is being debated under the title "The Disciples at Emmaus." By performing a detailed and delicate work, he falsified the picture by eliminating the defects with the technique of painting on old- period. He deliberately lures of the criticism and prejudice will tilt in people who believe that the painting was painted by Vermeer himself. And it worked!

8 Fraud Bernard Madoff (Ponzi schemes)

Bernard Madoff is a businessman and former head of the NASDAQ stock market. He began building the Wall Street firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC and was its director till December 11, 2008, when he was arrested and indicted in securities fraud Ponzi scheme, which cost the company-partner companies, amounted to 50 billion dollars.

Ponzi's name is taken from a con man named Charles Ponzi's famous with the deception because it offered a form of investment in speculative transactions of U.S. postage stamps to foreign stamp in the era of 1919-1920. In mid-August 1920, an audit by the government against Ponzi businesses found that Ponzi was insolvent. Its total assets of about U.S. $ 1.6 million, far below the value of its debt to investors.)

7. Forgery Identity of Anna Anderson, alias Anastasia

After the Russian revolution, the existence of large families can not be accepted at the Bolsheviks. In 1918 news spread that the TSB extended family members still survived. Intermittent two years later appeared the figure of Anna Anderson to claim that she was Anastasia, the youngest daughter of the Great Russian family. New in 1927 he finally admitted that his real name was Franziska Schanzkowska and not Anastasia.

In the year 2009 before scientists declared that no one family member was the Great Russian survivor of the execution of the Bolsheviks.

6. False Oath of Titus Oates (Murder Plan Charles II)

Major events in the year 1678, namely the so-called "Conspiracy Pope" to assassinate Charles II so that his brother who is Catholic James, Duke of York, can be ruled in his place. September 6, 1678, Titus Oates, a former Catholic who embraces a new ideology and a former Jesuit, went to the judge, Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, to inform him of the conspiracy. Godfrey was found dead shortly afterwards. This will only generate emotion on that allegedly Catholic revenge. In court, Oates gives evidence, but failed, and from then on he began to lose credibility. Oates eventually blamed for perjury.

5. Lie Piltdown Man

Charles Darwin is an actor behind the scenes from this fraud. Using the theories that carelessly about evolution, he succeeded in forming a group of followers to continue the deception theory that humans evolved from ape species. Dr.Alvan T. Marston performed an analysis to the fossil Piltdown man who proposed by Darwin's followers to be investigated, the results are astonishing. TSB instead of fossil hominid fossils, but fossils existing artificial part and piece of jaw has been modified from apes, etc.

4. Dreyfus Affair controversy

Dreyfus Affair was France's worst political scandal. Captain Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French Jewish captain convicted of charges of treason gave military secrets to Germany and France and then banished to Devil's Island (1894). In 1897, his brother investigates and fined that writing is like writing papers Dreyfus Walsin Maj. Ferdinand Esterhazy. Further evidence as to her alleged divulge further military and falsified evidence (January 1898). Dreyfus raises the penalty for anti-Semitism, despite evidence of falsified allegations; the army was reluctant to admit it. After the public interest arising on the case, known to support the Roman Catholic Church's condemnation.

3. Infidelity Clinton / Lewinsky

Bill Clinton was a brilliant reputation eventually fell also by women. All must remember that horrendous case of the near-collapse of the chair makes the Clinton Presidency. In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern in the White House during Clinton's first term, and begin a personal relationship with him that year. That relationship continues Lewinsky had moved to work at the Pentagon. The case was uncovered because the confidante of his friends in the Pentagon, Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded conversations apparently, called them. Tripp gave the tapes evidence that the Kenneth Starr, Independent Counsel who is investigating several cases involving the Clinton administration, including the Whitewater scandal, Filegate, and Travelgate.

2. Watergate Scandal

July 30 1974, the High Court of coercion from the U.S., then U.S. President Richard Nixon, Watergate tapes handed. Watergate scandal occurred on June 17, 1972, when five members of the team winning the election Nixon was arrested for allegedly installing the sound bug Democratic Party headquarters, located in the Watergate complex in Washington. However, the Nixon administration from Republican to deny their involvement in this case. Then entered the U.S. Senate investigation into the case and proved that the wiretapping was done with the knowledge of the White House.

1. The Big Lie: Nazi Propaganda

Nazis hated Jews decided to exterminate Jews from the earth. To accomplish this, Adolf Hitler and his propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, launched a campaign to convince the German people so hostile to Jews
The Catholics were the masters of Nazi Germany to implement the principles of the papacy. Roman Church felt entitled to destroy anyone, either by slow or fast, which block it, namely those liberals and Jews, were sent to Auschwitz, Dochau, Belsen, Buchenwald and other death camps. (beritanyata.blogspot.com)

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